Sunday, May 6, 2007

War, Guns and Freedom

War, Guns and Freedom

Democrats and republicans on a pullout timetable:

Since the democrats took control, they have been widening the gap on certain issues. When Joe Lieberman was forced to go independent for supporting the war, the democrats became outwardly more anti war. While almost all agree that the war was not handled correctly, we forget that no war is, that is war’s very essence. WW1, WW2, Korea Vietnam, are all clear examples of how war really is, do we truly think a quickie will fix the worlds problems. I am a soldier, and spent time in Iraq and Kuwait; even though I face possible death by this war I support it. Mistakes were made; but let us not forget that it takes time to heal wounds. Not to mention the strategic power imbalance to counter Iran’s imminent threat. I am a realist, while it would be nice to have America as the new Holland, I would rather make sure no one can kill me, and that no one is in need of my help.

We all sit back, talking, but when we talk we ignore the people who need help now. Project the millions who are in the depths of despair while we fatten our stomachs and spend our money on names. Auschwitz, Darfur, Iraq, the list goes on and on, but the need is real there are people suffering and dying right now and you have the chance to help them. Do you choose to stand idly by as millions of people are raped, beaten and murdered? We complain about the soldiers dying, while they go and die because they know it is right. It is time to leave our romantic fantasy land, WWII was only 62 years ago, our economy is not that strong, and none of us will retire out of Binghamton. We as Americans have a chance to help real people with real families gain the freedom from enslavement. I still remember the smiles on their faces when we drove around, they were being helped, they finally were being given a chance.

Iran is a very real and potential threat which could disrupt the Middle East by a Sunni/Shia nuclear arms race, or a nuclear response by Israel who would be on a hair pin trigger to Tehran. Since America will not attack, and Israel can’t go it alone for political reasons, Iran is given an easy means of gaining power. Iran still has time till completion of functional nuclear weapons, with estimates generally ranging from 2-5 years, occuring in our next president’s reign.

Which brings me on to my next issue Gun Control.

I am a proud owner of guns, if you didn’t know that now you probably would have figured it out by the end. We live in a real world where I should have the ability to protect my life, the police are not around us 24/7 nor would we want them to be. The government is here to help the people, not to take away the right of the people to protect their own families; frankly I should be allowed to have the best means possible. The tragedy of the Virginia shootings will bring increased uproar over the freedom to control guns. Democrats are taking this momentum to pass permanent legislation prohibiting 3 times as many guns as the Clinton ban. Lady’s and gentlemen, this one hits me hard, right where it hurts According to this legislation all of my guns will become illegal. I have 4, and shoot for a hobby; I have the best toys possible, don’t believe me just go shooting with my kick-ass guns the Ruger 10/22, AR15, Mossberg 500, and SKS, and you will agree.

Gun owners did receive a major victory in Washington D.C., where the district court of appeals ruled that the constitution did guarantee an Individual right to keep and bear arms. Bear in mind the thoughts of George Washington, "A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government".


There is a general problem with government today which requires immediate attention. That problem is not issue but structure based. Our politicians seek power, something that most people want and some people love. In order for them to retain and grow in power they must make people happy, but the politicians not going to give out BJ’s, so they give out tax payer dollars (after all they don’t own it). But to get even more powerful they wheel and deal, and sign for spinach growers in Massachusetts, and pass the bill for Rwandan aids condoms made in South Dakota, which in turn will get all these people to sign the bill all totally unnecessary wastes of taxpayer’s money. This is known as pork, with overspending, inefficiency, and honesty being some of the casualties. We have a clear example of this, with Bush (A republican?), spending like it is the cool thing to do, and even the democrats won’t say they will do a better job. So unless you want to be paying 60% taxes when you are forty to cover all our carryover losses, lets make this government work. Pretend it is a business, have accountability, lower costs, improve efficiency and standards, increased communication. If this country was making money we would be attracting top people, but who wants to work for a bankrupt unethical staggering giant.

You: But Evan changing the government is too much work

Evan: I agree

You: but in your article you said “let’s make this government work”

Evan: That is one choice but it seems everyone tries that and the system swallows them and nothing ever changes.

You: So what do you think we should do about the government?

Evan: Well its obvious that’s nothing is going to change so let’s limit the government in its breadth and function and let the local areas handle all other issues. The federal government spent $406 billion on Interest and $61 billion on education in 2006; oops looks like the silly politicians are wasting my money. So that’s why this election I am voting libertarian, standing for a small and efficient federal government with a strong local government, they are bringing responsibility and freedom back to government.


Because of the reward system and structure, our political system encourages politicians to control more things, and gives them more control. Hot button issues such as gay marriage and marijuana legalization move to the national highlight, while all these types of issues should be dealt with at a lower level such as the state. The concept of the state plays an integral role in our freedom, I can choose which of the states best represents my; moral and political beliefs. If I want to smoke pot I move to California or Alaska, If I prefer guns I can choose Texas or Pennsylvania, and if I prefer being told how to live my life and giving all my money to an inefficient redistribution center I can stay in New York. As a poker enthusiast one example of the governments overreaching moralistic control comes easily to mind. Senator Frist in a sly maneuver to impose his moral and religious beliefs on the American public, managed to slip anti online poker legislation in a port security bill.


Martin said...

Nice blog man, I agree with you on a lot of what your saying, also just got out of the military myself. GL and keep writing.

Avner said...

Thanks Martin

Martin said...

whatsup man, i normally stick to sngs and tournies on pokerstars. I try cash games sometimes but always get sucked out on and frustrated. Im guessing u play on bodog?

Marketing Man said...

Hey Soldier.
Stop being such a hard-ass and get your tuchus down to australia for a beer, no guns, a big casino and plenty of tail for you to chase!